
May 15, 2018

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1175: Action Comics #425, July 1973

I thought that, since I've been reading a bunch of Batman stuff lately, I should get into some Superman stuff too. And the nice thing about Action Comics, the old ones anyway, is that there's always 2 or 3 features, not just a Superman story. Today both the Atom and the Human Target share the book with the big, blue Boy Scout.

I enjoyed today's issue. It was a very silly story about a man who kills the last Moa in New Zealand, and ends up bringing its irradiated egg back to Metropolis. What's great is that the man, a hunter, kills the bird accidentally, and then spends the rest of the story guilt-ridden over his mistake. It's a nice contrast to the usual tales of big game hunters who more often than not end up as the villains of whatever story they're a part of. Don't get me wrong: I'm 100% against the kind of hunting that is depicted in this comic. It's the difference in characterization that I find refreshing.

There is one panel that is amazing - as the super-Moa is flying around Metropolis, Superman latches onto its legs, which immediately are shed and a new pair grows in their place. Superman is, quite distinctly in at least one panel, left holding what amount to a pair of human-sized chicken legs that disappear in the next panel! Where did they go? Did Superman just drop them? What the heck is whoever finds those legs going to think? I know that these kinds of details go unremarked upon in old stories like this, but I really want to know what happened to the legs.

More to come...

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