
Dec 10, 2017

The 40 Years of Comics Project - Day 1019: Wednesday Comics #1, July 8, 2009

There's something to the tabloid size comic. One of the most beautiful books I own is McSweeney's Quarterly Concern volume 13, the comics issue. The entire dust jacket folds out into a tabloid-sized comic. The size opens up so many possibilities, both for larger reproduction to deliver more awareness of detail, or also for sheer size to be able to pack information into. Wednesday Comics takes advantage of the format in both of these ways. There are stories that are little more than a blown up 3/3 grid, but the amount of reproductive detail is just wonderful. And there are others that pack amazing amounts of art into the space. None of them have sucked me in yet, though I remember being a fan of the "Wonder Woman" story in here. As the series goes on, I feel that the artists were starting to experiment with the medium. Some of Mike Allred's "Metamorpho" pages are wonderful.

I'm curious to see if this series works with a shorter wait between comics. When I teach comics, I sometimes include a section about serialization and the effect it has on storytelling. This series was conceived as a weekly series. I wonder if there are things that will come up and perhaps not work when it's being read on a daily basis.

To be continued.

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